From this past Saturday up until next Saturday, possibly longer, I have been given free reign over my former piano teacher's house.
She skated off to New Orleans to have fun with her husband, drink one of these:
and get totally wasted and just enjoy herself.
(Her kid graduated from college two years ago. She hasn't a care in the world.)
So she, looking for a responsible person, called me
Because I love money (and her, she's pretty great) I agreed.
So I have been at this for 3 days, and have made some observations...
- Sleeping with a dog is weird and awkward, let alone sleeping with two dogs.
- Getting OMGFACELICK'ed every morning is awkward and annoying
- Not knowing when her son might stroll in is semi-awkward and kind of terrifying
- There is no food here
- But there is alcohol
- So it's okay (Psst, I'm joking. Teehee.)
- Being away from my mother is fantastic :D
- Yelling at dogs is not a crime--half the time they deserve it
- Don't worry, I'm not actually that cruel. They think I love them
LIES - The shower here is amazing
- The bathtub is amazing
- Did I mention sleeping with dogs is awkward?
Adventures in Babysitting? I think not. Adventures in Jackass Sitting? Bingo.
At 9 AM sharp the house cleaner was supposed to come. I think she started calling the house around 8:50 AM, but I'm a pansy and hate answering the phone.
It was one of those things where I wake up to hear the phone ringing, and hatred is my first thought.
Me: zzzz zzzzzzz
Phone: RING :DDD
Me: .....zzzzzzzz
Phone: Ring! :D....ring?
Me: -glares- .....
Phone: D: -falls silent-
Me: ...f*ck...-gets molested by golden retreivers in bed- I HATE YOU, DOGS
Dogs: :DDDD
Me: -lets them out and goes and sits on bed rather forlornly- House cleaner is supposed to be here at 9...(*Clock: 8:51*)
Me: -horror- O_O.....I'M NOT ANSWERING IT. -hides-
Phone: -stops ringing in lieu of knocking on the door-
*Horror music plays in background*
Don't worry, I didn't get raped or murdered or anything. The house cleaner came in, in all her sketchiness (she's a shady lady, dressed in varying shades of coral) and went about her business.
It can only continue.
Whenever the phone rings I stare bleakly at the receiver and die inside. So I sit there, waiting, praying...praying that they'll decide to go to the answering machine, and it won't be important.
Because seriously--these people are gone for a week. They've alerted their friends, family, and crazy church folk. No one should be calling here.
The phone rang again, and it happened to be my piano teacher's husband. He waited for the answering machine and started chorusing: Roo, Rooooooo! Wake up! I'm sorry to wake you up! Roooooo! Are you there, Roo? ROO! PICK UP!
I answered it that time.
Thankfully these dogs are semi-well behaved. They whine and groan at me when I'm not paying enough attention to them, so I just glare and refuse them my lap space in favor of my laptop. I continue by staying up terribly late and exhausting them and by the time they crawl into bed with me they're ready to pass out and not do anything impolite, like hump me in my sleep. (Roo would not be pleased if she woke up to that.)
What I'm dealing with:
What I'm dealing with:
Jackass 1 is an older dog. He's been shaved down in some kind of cruel joke, so he looks like a yellow lab whose mother took a wrong turn and drowned in the inbred gene pool.
But it's okay--I've seen pictures of him with his normal fur, and he doesn't look so weird there.
Jackass 1 is excitable. You say : Outside? and he bolts from wherever he's at in the house to the front door, keening and carrying on. Howling gets thrown into the mix, along with jumping up and down and making a nuisance of himself. But he's more polite than Jackass 2, which I appreciate. Jackass 1 just wants him 'sum 'lovin .
Jackass 2 is the puppy. Less than two years old, he has very few manners. He may know how to sit properly, but he just uses it as a cover for his real motive: stupidity.
Jackass 2 is clever. If he doesn't want to go outside, he'll pretend to barrel towards the door with Jackass 1, but he's really not interested. So he'll sit there and make ME look like an ass, holding the door open and making stupid baby noises to try and entice him outside.
Jackass 2 has also had several surgeries in his lifetime, one set before he was 9 months old. Now at first I said: Awww, poor baby...
But it's also a cover. He wants you to feel sorry for him. He pretends to limp and be all gimpy and such, but I know his real game...well, no I don't.
Update--6 hours after initially typing this draft....
Yeah, no.
I come back to the house after having ran back to my own home to hurriedly clean my room. The dogs are happy as can be, and are bouncing around like idiots.
As I get out of my car, I see that Jackass 2 has something that resembles dirt on his back.
"Jackass 2, were you under a car or something?!" was the first thing I shouted. But it wasn't dark enough to be oil/grease.
So with a resigned sigh I poked it, did the *BIG SNIFF/WHIFF* test and sure enough, it was shit. Jackass 2 had rolled around in shit.
His expression was that of a three year old bouncing up and down, showing you how pretty his finger poop-painting is on the bathroom wall.
I was not pleased.
Me: -gets out of the car- Hey, boys. I hate you :D
Jackass 1: Hey, lady! Let's go inside! I'm hungry!
Me: .... .....what....
Me: -face palm- F*ck....FML.
Jackass 2: Isn't it great?! :DDDD
Me: .....BATHTUB. NAO. -scrubs him down-
So Jackass 2 got a half-assed bath. I washed him down, and he gimped his way out of the tub like the cripple he is, and then I banished him outside with Jackass 1 to dry off.
4 more days.
I come back to the house after having ran back to my own home to hurriedly clean my room. The dogs are happy as can be, and are bouncing around like idiots.
As I get out of my car, I see that Jackass 2 has something that resembles dirt on his back.
"Jackass 2, were you under a car or something?!" was the first thing I shouted. But it wasn't dark enough to be oil/grease.
So with a resigned sigh I poked it, did the *BIG SNIFF/WHIFF* test and sure enough, it was shit. Jackass 2 had rolled around in shit.
His expression was that of a three year old bouncing up and down, showing you how pretty his finger poop-painting is on the bathroom wall.
I was not pleased.
Me: -gets out of the car- Hey, boys. I hate you :D
Jackass 1: Hey, lady! Let's go inside! I'm hungry!
Me: .... .....what....
Me: -face palm- F*ck....FML.
Jackass 2: Isn't it great?! :DDDD
Me: .....BATHTUB. NAO. -scrubs him down-
So Jackass 2 got a half-assed bath. I washed him down, and he gimped his way out of the tub like the cripple he is, and then I banished him outside with Jackass 1 to dry off.
4 more days.
It is wrong of me to want to laugh at you Roo, I know. Admittedly, there is a bit of sympathy, but there is also amusement. Much amusement.
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