As a college student, it would be safe to assume that self-control isn't one of my strong points. I am a repeated victim and facilitator of impulsivity.
I find my ventures with impulsivity as a beautiful story of love and hate, success and failure, good choices and some that are...not so good.
There are some days that I love my impulsivity. Some of the greatest things in my life are products of impulsivity and a low attention span. (And not thinking through my decisions xD)
My Zune, Toshirou (when he works), brings me much joy, and was a product of a bank card and an ebay spree. So. Effing. Dangerous.
There are plenty of regrets there, to be sure. Dear God, there are regrets. I have wasted so much money on my impulsive conquests. Without fail, not long after I've made the purchase or ill-fated decision, my brain screams: FAIL!!!! BUYER'S REMORSE OMFG!!!111!!
Buyer's Remorse is a driving force in my life. We are well acquainted, and have been good friends since my elementary school years.
As a kid in a relatively small (not relatively, really, we were TINY) elementary school, the bi-annual book fair was the SHIT. I'm not talking about, oh yay, a little book fair.
This was fucking huge. This was on a level that only deities attain. This was the book fair.
With the book fair came ridiculous amounts of competition for the little trinkets and toys that were sold. Namely, erasers.
These erasers came in all shapes and forms, but namely I remember the frog erasers, which everyone wanted because they were so damned cool.
I remember getting into a piggy bank that my mom had been keeping for me since my birth. I knew that this piggy bank (it was actually a bear in a sunhat) was meant for greatness. But my impulsivity and id were saying: GO, ROO, GO FORTH AND BUY YOURSELF THOSE FROG ERASERS.
And I did. I scrounged for change everywhere I could. I brought PENNIES to my poor librarians, who patiently counted them out. It was magic.
Though I regretted my purchases almost instantly, I had frog erasers.
At the time, my impulsivity could be attributed to childlike wonder and innocence.
Today it marks the beginning of the end where my bad decisions come back to haunt me daily. (Namely college. J/K. Maybe.)
I came to later find out that my sun bear piggy bank had held like...$100 in change. To this day my mother has no idea what happened to it and is convinced the delinquent down the street took it.
It really isn't pretty.
I like to think that I have some class with my impulsivity. Buying a car, a house? NAH! Screw that, those are useless investments. My education? Ehhh, whatevs. Maybe.
But me, I buy cool stuff. Like FISH.
My goal my freshman year of college had been to have a happy tank full of fish, guppies and cute neon tetras that would swim around and keep me company in my pathetic existence.
That dream never came true, because my asshole of a cat broke the free aquarium I had found. I cussed him. And chased him for awhile. Then cussed him some more.
SO....I was pissed.
I had a random Jimmy Buffet reference lined up, but we don't always get what we want, do we?
Back to the topic at hand. Fish.
A trip to Walmart in the next town over yielded various results last Friday night.
- I bought $30 more than I intended to.
- I walked out with a fish.
- I walked out with a fish tank, colorful gravel, and bloodworms
WTH. - I regretted it almost instantly, but my glee was too great to be overcome by that bitch Regret.
- I set up the tank and realized that my fish is brain damaged.
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