Drug dealers and Christmas? Oh yes.
The Christmas movies keep coming. I saw two on the Dish guide today. "An Accidental Christmas" and "A Christmas Proposal". Wow.
So. This post is being made from my new iPod Touch! How exciting.
I'm spending Christmas at my grandma's. We have no Christmas tree at my house, so we're having a foster Christmas at her house.
Typing on my itouch is getting progressively easier unless I'm tired. Then it looks like crap.
This is more like a stream of consciousness post than anything relevant. Christmas brings out the best and worst of people sometimes. And I love my itouch. End of story.
/end rant
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Christmas Proposal
Posted by Roo at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 13, 2010
Of Hallmark, Lifetime, and Paula Deen
I haven't posted in over a month, so I shall announce my re-entry into the blog-space with a post about the Hallmark Channel and Paula Deen (and maybe some Lifetime Channel ).
These three things are the bane of my existence.
They're terrifying, they're horrific, and a huge part of my life (except Paula Deen. She just annoys the fuck out of me).
Lifetime and the Hallmark Channel are the only two channels, besides the news, that are on our TV in my house. My mother is addicted.
And if it's not Lifetime/Hallmark, it's WE TV or Oh! Oxygen! Or I-ON. Ugh.
Seriously? It's like an orgasm or something. |
So. My mother is a bona fide addict.
And right now?
It's the Christmas season.
The movies that are currently in the line-up for Hallmark: "Silver Bells" , "When Angels Come to Town" , "Moonlight and Mistletoe" and then The Martha Stewart Show.
As I was perusing our Dish catalog for those movies, my mother sees "When Angels Come to Town" and screeches: "GO BACK! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THAT 'WHEN ANGELS COME TO TOWN' MOVIE IS ALL ABOUT!" -snatches the remote-
She is terrifying.
But what's more terrifying is that within the United States, there are millions of housewives and single women sitting on their couches, curled up with a carton of Ben & Jerry's or any other ice cream substitute, or maybe a martini (if they're classy housewives) hanging onto every message that these movies convey.
These movies talk about 'fairy tales'. The girl always meets the guy, and her child either breaks an arm, or they have some kind of issue that serves as the movie's climactic ending before the man comes and sweeps her off her feet and they shag each other in the back of a van, or they get married while the snow falls and soft music plays.
Lifetime shakes it up a bit. Their movies are about murder, intrigue, and mistresses. But don't be fooled. Lifetime has it's own holiday pitch...
Oh yes. |
Usually it's hosted by some bright eyed blonde and her gay cohort and they prance around filming commercials and ads for the Lifetime holiday festivities. Sometimes they have sleds.
My point is, these networks prey on troubled women looking for stories of flight and fancy where it always works out.
But it doesn't.
Next: Paula Deen
This is mostly just a side note, but Paula Deen terrifies me. And you know why?
That is all.
Posted by Roo at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Stranger Danger
“Promise not to kill me or anything, and I’ll give you a ride.”
“Yeeeaahh….I’m really drunk…I wrecked my bike. My face hurts.”
“I hit my face…my head hurts. Fuck.”
I think about it for a moment.
“FUCK!” He yells, throwing himself back against the seat. “I can’t go to my girlfriend’s like this!”
Quick to appease his outburst, I continue.
THE OTHER 7-11 |
I don't know what it really looked like. |
“It looks pretty damn bad,” I say as I angle the sun visor mirror towards him.
Posted by Roo at 12:50 AM 3 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Impulsivity : A Love Story
As a college student, it would be safe to assume that self-control isn't one of my strong points. I am a repeated victim and facilitator of impulsivity.
I find my ventures with impulsivity as a beautiful story of love and hate, success and failure, good choices and some that are...not so good.
There are some days that I love my impulsivity. Some of the greatest things in my life are products of impulsivity and a low attention span. (And not thinking through my decisions xD)
My Zune, Toshirou (when he works), brings me much joy, and was a product of a bank card and an ebay spree. So. Effing. Dangerous.
There are plenty of regrets there, to be sure. Dear God, there are regrets. I have wasted so much money on my impulsive conquests. Without fail, not long after I've made the purchase or ill-fated decision, my brain screams: FAIL!!!! BUYER'S REMORSE OMFG!!!111!!
Buyer's Remorse is a driving force in my life. We are well acquainted, and have been good friends since my elementary school years.
As a kid in a relatively small (not relatively, really, we were TINY) elementary school, the bi-annual book fair was the SHIT. I'm not talking about, oh yay, a little book fair.
This was fucking huge. This was on a level that only deities attain. This was the book fair.
With the book fair came ridiculous amounts of competition for the little trinkets and toys that were sold. Namely, erasers.
These erasers came in all shapes and forms, but namely I remember the frog erasers, which everyone wanted because they were so damned cool.
I remember getting into a piggy bank that my mom had been keeping for me since my birth. I knew that this piggy bank (it was actually a bear in a sunhat) was meant for greatness. But my impulsivity and id were saying: GO, ROO, GO FORTH AND BUY YOURSELF THOSE FROG ERASERS.
And I did. I scrounged for change everywhere I could. I brought PENNIES to my poor librarians, who patiently counted them out. It was magic.
Though I regretted my purchases almost instantly, I had frog erasers.
At the time, my impulsivity could be attributed to childlike wonder and innocence.
Today it marks the beginning of the end where my bad decisions come back to haunt me daily. (Namely college. J/K. Maybe.)
I came to later find out that my sun bear piggy bank had held like...$100 in change. To this day my mother has no idea what happened to it and is convinced the delinquent down the street took it.
It really isn't pretty.
I like to think that I have some class with my impulsivity. Buying a car, a house? NAH! Screw that, those are useless investments. My education? Ehhh, whatevs. Maybe.
But me, I buy cool stuff. Like FISH.
My goal my freshman year of college had been to have a happy tank full of fish, guppies and cute neon tetras that would swim around and keep me company in my pathetic existence.
That dream never came true, because my asshole of a cat broke the free aquarium I had found. I cussed him. And chased him for awhile. Then cussed him some more.
SO....I was pissed.
I had a random Jimmy Buffet reference lined up, but we don't always get what we want, do we?
Back to the topic at hand. Fish.
A trip to Walmart in the next town over yielded various results last Friday night.
- I bought $30 more than I intended to.
- I walked out with a fish.
- I walked out with a fish tank, colorful gravel, and bloodworms
WTH. - I regretted it almost instantly, but my glee was too great to be overcome by that bitch Regret.
- I set up the tank and realized that my fish is brain damaged.
Posted by Roo at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Facething: Villainy in Disguise
Just no.
Posted by Roo at 2:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
Who Pissed In My Cornflakes?!
Me: D:<
Me: Mom...can I have some yogurt? (She’s protective of that shit.)
Her: Well, duh! You don’t have to ask! Geez, what’s wrong with you?
*My inner monologue*: What’s wrong with ME?! YOU’VE FLIPPED SHIT IN THE PAST!! I’M JUST COVERING MY ASS HERE.*
Me: Oh, okay.
Posted by Roo at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Idyllic Delusions
Yay, blog post!
I've been pondering a career change lately.
No I haven't. I'm a full-time college student, working at a country club on the weekends over the summer/breaks to pay for gas. I have no other options.
So this post will be spent griping about useless coworkers and supervisors, and the delusions that people have about my profession.
Adventures in Waitstaffery!
Why yes, I just made up the word waitstaffery. I think it sounds robust and descriptive.
I have been working at a country club for the past 3-4 years. I honestly love this job. It constantly challenges me, engages my attention, and it pleases my ADD. Constantly being on the move is something that really suits my jittery side, and I enjoy the RUSHOMFGRUSH atmosphere.
We will call my employer FML Country Club. Specializing in all your snobbish needs. You want to throw a birthday party at $1000 for room rental, not including the $35+ per plate dinner? Be my guest. Invite 500 of your closest friends for your birthday bash!
Want to throw a Quinceañera?
Don't worry, honey. The cake isn't leaning! I promise! It's just pulling a fun house mirror trick! Look at it from the other side and it's perfect! The guests won't know a thing!
Yes, they do.
They gossip about it while the wedding couple is making rounds. They go tsk-tsk-tsk about the sorry state of that cake, and how awful it must be to be the bride with a sagging wedding cake. It's the equivalent of premature sagging breasts. Perhaps even an indicator.
So here is the lesson: don't have a saggy cake. Bad juju.
I used to have this idyllic delusion about waitstaff. Other people may join in on this delusion. I once believed that the waitstaff at country clubs/catered parties were the epitome of grace and professionalism. They were always calm and collected, full of smiles and good manners. They would take my plate and be more than attentive to my needs.
They were graceful and exuded confidence and charm like an x-ray technician exudes radiation.
Clad in white and black, they would always stand out from the crowd, easily identifiable. They would sweep across the room, refilling drinks and doing their jobs with such zeal and vigor that I could only be enviable of their energy, or how crisp their uniforms looked despite the stifling heat of the ballroom, or how fantastically they handled that contrary relative of mine.
This is all a lie. The reassurances about the sagging cake
I will often work long shifts under incredulous amounts of stress and vexation, dealing with lazy coworkers and recalcitrant supervisors. My job is equivalent to waitressing, only I don't work half as often. Thank goodnes my job is only sporadic. If I worked every day for hours on end, I'd go crazy. Working three nights in a row is tantamount to taking my soul, running it over, stabbing it, running it over again for good measure, putting it under a steamroller just because you weren't really sure your tires did a good enough job, poking it with a knife just to make sure it's dead, and then tossing it in the river to drown. Yeah. That's how it feels. No pressure :DDD
My coworkers are all my age. They're teenagers on the verge of adulthood
Eventually exhaustion put an end to that. I wanted to get out on time, earlier if possible, dammit! Screwing around just wasn't an option anymore when time was of the essence. Sure, my time card would be shiny. But who the f*ck cares about hours when it's 2 AM and you want to go the hell home?
No one. That's who.
So now that I have grown up and realized that actually working is cool, like sliced bread, I have begun to notice that my fellow employees do not share the same work ethic. When I'm all: GO GO GO! :D
They're all: NO NO NO!
See what I did there? ^ Rhyming. Yeah, bitches.
It irritates me to no end. I want to work. I'm an active person who likes to move, get stuff done, and not f*ck around unless I've had a terrible day. But no. They won't do it.
How terrible it is for me to be so mature at 19. *terribly dramatic sigh*
J/k, guys :D
This has been a terrible post about how my illusions have been shattered. I deluded myself into thinking that my job was noble, and that I was truly making people happy.
More lies...-grumble-
So here's the skinny:
- Your parties/weddings/wakes make me miserable.
- I eat your food in the kitchen.
- I have and never plan on spitting in your food, so cut that gossip out right now.
- Everyone on the waitstaff secretly hates you for rearranging the room at the last minute, even though we're terribly gracious about it and act as though we're unfazed.
- We hate it when your wedding cake is disgusting, so get a good one. (We eat that too)
- Without fail we trash talk your decorations and your overweight mother-in law. We will most likely gossip about bastard children as well, so don't bring them along. (No offense intended to anyone...wedlock just isn't pretty.)
- Your DJ needs to be decent. The Cupid Shuffle, Cha-Cha Slide, Electric Slide are must-plays on your special day.
- Open bars are dangerous things. Cash bars are the way to go.
- After parties will probably end badly.
- At some point in the night, the entire waitstaff will hate you. This depends on if you've stayed later than you paid for, or if you're just plain out rude and bitchy. In any case, we secretly hated you anyways (for that last minute rearrangement), and this just solidified our hate.
- Leaving on time is next to godliness, so do it. I will bend over backwards to get your asses out at the scheduled time, so do me a favor--leave an hour early ;D
I actually care a lot--so don't touch me
Posted by Roo at 3:04 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Adventures in Jackass Sitting (and Awkwardness)
From this past Saturday up until next Saturday, possibly longer, I have been given free reign over my former piano teacher's house.
She skated off to New Orleans to have fun with her husband, drink one of these:
and get totally wasted and just enjoy herself.
(Her kid graduated from college two years ago. She hasn't a care in the world.)
So she, looking for a responsible person, called me
Because I love money (and her, she's pretty great) I agreed.
So I have been at this for 3 days, and have made some observations...
- Sleeping with a dog is weird and awkward, let alone sleeping with two dogs.
- Getting OMGFACELICK'ed every morning is awkward and annoying
- Not knowing when her son might stroll in is semi-awkward and kind of terrifying
- There is no food here
- But there is alcohol
- So it's okay (Psst, I'm joking. Teehee.)
- Being away from my mother is fantastic :D
- Yelling at dogs is not a crime--half the time they deserve it
- Don't worry, I'm not actually that cruel. They think I love them
LIES - The shower here is amazing
- The bathtub is amazing
- Did I mention sleeping with dogs is awkward?
Adventures in Babysitting? I think not. Adventures in Jackass Sitting? Bingo.
At 9 AM sharp the house cleaner was supposed to come. I think she started calling the house around 8:50 AM, but I'm a pansy and hate answering the phone.
It was one of those things where I wake up to hear the phone ringing, and hatred is my first thought.
Me: zzzz zzzzzzz
Phone: RING :DDD
Me: .....zzzzzzzz
Phone: Ring! :D....ring?
Me: -glares- .....
Phone: D: -falls silent-
Me: ...f*ck...-gets molested by golden retreivers in bed- I HATE YOU, DOGS
Dogs: :DDDD
Me: -lets them out and goes and sits on bed rather forlornly- House cleaner is supposed to be here at 9...(*Clock: 8:51*)
Me: -horror- O_O.....I'M NOT ANSWERING IT. -hides-
Phone: -stops ringing in lieu of knocking on the door-
*Horror music plays in background*
Don't worry, I didn't get raped or murdered or anything. The house cleaner came in, in all her sketchiness (she's a shady lady, dressed in varying shades of coral) and went about her business.
It can only continue.
What I'm dealing with:
I come back to the house after having ran back to my own home to hurriedly clean my room. The dogs are happy as can be, and are bouncing around like idiots.
As I get out of my car, I see that Jackass 2 has something that resembles dirt on his back.
"Jackass 2, were you under a car or something?!" was the first thing I shouted. But it wasn't dark enough to be oil/grease.
So with a resigned sigh I poked it, did the *BIG SNIFF/WHIFF* test and sure enough, it was shit. Jackass 2 had rolled around in shit.
His expression was that of a three year old bouncing up and down, showing you how pretty his finger poop-painting is on the bathroom wall.
I was not pleased.
Me: -gets out of the car- Hey, boys. I hate you :D
Jackass 1: Hey, lady! Let's go inside! I'm hungry!
Me: .... .....what....
Me: -face palm- F*ck....FML.
Jackass 2: Isn't it great?! :DDDD
Me: .....BATHTUB. NAO. -scrubs him down-
So Jackass 2 got a half-assed bath. I washed him down, and he gimped his way out of the tub like the cripple he is, and then I banished him outside with Jackass 1 to dry off.
4 more days.
Posted by Roo at 8:15 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I Should Be Cleaning
I should be cleaning. But I'm not.
I'm listening to Rob Thomas songs and reading blog posts by people who are funnier than I am.
I'm also feeling a little down about my abhorrent lack of musical knowledge. I can't make clever musical jokes or references. (This saddens me D: )
Me:Yeah! You know that...that song! About the guy...and the girl...and..um...yeah. LOLZ :DD
Anyone within hearing range:... ... No. -walks off-
Reaffirming my belief that I'm not funny . Because I'm not.
I realized as I roll around in my filthy room and contemplate cleaning that I never explained the name of my blog. Isn't that traditional or something? Explaining your madness in starting a blog and entitling it the way you did.
Or awkward sentence structure. That's pretty traditional as well.
YES. Who wouldn't want one of those?
Someone who's lame and doesn't have any inkling of proper pet choices, that's who.
I want one. I want one baaaaaad.
So I can only placate my feelings of desolation and depression by drawing platypus comics and pretending I'm clever.
After reading Allie, Sarah P, and Miss Yvonne's sexy blogs, I was inspired. So then I began thinking about names. I thought about names while driving, showering, and petting my cat.
Depraved had popped up in my vocabulary recently. Why not use it? Depraved...Platypus? Platyroo? Is it ridiculous that I giggle immaturely whenever I say platypus? Should I really create a blog that I can't look at straightfaced?
Depraved Platypi it became, after a quick exchange with mah BFF Keru about which title seemed clevererest...or something. I'm planning something witty with the pi. You know, like 3.14etc. Because I'm witty and clever like that.
So yeah. That's it. It's not particularly clever. But I believe that before I created this blog, if I had seen a link to a place called Depraved Platypi...I might have just gone there. No, I totally would've gone there. It only makes logical sense that other people would too. (Assuming everyone has an obsession with platypi, which they should, so obviously this conclusion is well founded.)
I'm not clever enough to tie an entire blog post together. I jump around and my ADD won't let me pick a concrete topic set.
And now I want to talk about being ADD. Lack of concrete topic set right 'thur.
(Or discipline. That is also a viable excuse for myself.)
I'm still not cleaning. Our house goes on the market tomorrow. Perhaps the potential buyers would like to see an example of a what NOT to do with a room? (I'm equivalent to a hoarder. Maybe I'll post pictures.)
Right. End the blog post. Kill it before it multiplies.
Posted by Roo at 12:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I sometimes think I'm funny....
It all began nearly two weeks ago when I was introduced to Hyperbole and a Half by my college friend.
College friend (henceforth referred to as CF until I find something funnier / less boring to call her) is amazing, and knew that Hyperbole was just what I needed to smile again. (And find interesting things do with a brick.) Things began spiraling out of control from there. Hyperbole led me to Naked Cupcakes , which led me to various other funny blogs and so on. DAMN YOU, CF. DAMN YOU TO "LANGUAGE" HELL! (An inside joke she'll probably never see :c )
It was contagious and mind blowing. THERE ARE FUNNY PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET. HOLY HELL.
I just kept finding funny blogs that I related to. They got the gears in my brain going, and I began sarcastic inner monologues for just about everything.
Sarcastic monologues led to me thinking I'm funny.
I'm really not. Honest to goodness I'm not. But I like to think I am. So Depraved Platypi was born.
I mean, seriously. I'm an administrator on a Pokémon forum. That has to automatically take me out of the running for funny. (But I do love Pokémon...) Or else it adds me to the running for funny.
Who the hell knows. I don't.
I'm just blogging, and praying Allie at Hyperbole someday becomes Champion of the Internet.
It seemed like a good outlet and a hobby. ALLIE I LOVE YOU.
So this is me...
That's right. I'm a platypus. AN EFFING PURPLE PLATYPUS. Deal with it. =3
There's even an introductory name card that I'm holding up for you. Aren't I sweet? Then the name next to it for a seemingly seamless transition between Platypus and Roo. Platyroo. I'm just fantastic. (And not really this egotistical. The Internet makes me feel ballsy.)
I don't pwn in MS Paint like Allie or SarahP , so I'll just be scanning in the Platyroo comics I draw from time to time and telling stories that I think are amusing BUT REALLY AREN'T about them.
I'm too lazy to actually draw something in MS Paint...I have a tablet and everything. BUT DAMN I'M LAZY. *cough*
Maybe someday.
Now that this amazingly groundbreaking post has been made and its awesomeness has washed over you like Zombie Jesus's love, I think I'll end this. (I love me some Big J, dun worry.)
Depraved Platypi lives :D
Do you people see that first comment down there? It exists solely to be awesome. Because it was made by Keru, Platyroo's bestest friend like...EVAH.
This is fanservice to her comment, because she's so damned awesome. Thank you, Keru. I effing love you.
Posted by Roo at 9:26 PM 1 comments